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Evie Ski Silver

Evie Ski Silver

Eva Kielczewski  |  Atlantic Beach, NC

The artwork of Evie Ski Silver attempts to examine the interplay between light and the lattice structure of various stones as an allegorical symbol of how oceans, rainbows, and galaxies can exist just beneath the surface -- if you just know where to look.
 Stones exhibiting light-catching qualities are carefully sourced where photons can dance around in what can be perceived as tiny bodies of water, immense constellations, or magical optical phenomena.  The use of phosphorescence in many pieces is reflective of the naturally occurring bio-luminescence intrinsic to many species of coral, jellyfish, plankton, and fungi.

With an academic background in marine science and a day job in laser imaging, Evie Ski Silver’s work fuses elements of both disciplines.  She got her early inspiration from the silversmiths of the Zuni and Navajo Nations, and decided to follow suit by working exclusively with Sterling and Fine silver, paying homage to their craft.  The newest offering from Evie Ski Labs (her studio) is the cutting, grinding, and polishing of her own stones from vintage or discarded slabs for truly unique pieces made with intention from start to finish.  Whether you lurk in the moonlight, live in the sea, or have an insatiable thirst for science, your eyes will love swimming in the glow.


***Due to the unique nature of this artist's pieces, their items are only available in-store***

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